What is Verse Writing in Fiction?

The concept of fictional verse is nothing new. I actually learned about it for the first time in the early 2010s with the book What My Mother Doesn’t Know by Sonya Sones. The way the story could be told in such few words captivated me. I didn’t know then, but this writing style would become…

Beautifully Chaotic a Poetry Collection Review

There are times that life is a mess of events that disrupt the everyday experiences we all go through. In that way, life is beautifully chaotic in the ups and downs we are all faced with. There is no easy way through life and although everyone experiences life differently, we can all be there for…

Stargazing at Noon – Poetry Review

Do you ever wish poetry could take you on an unending journey through the motions of life? That somehow through the waves of uncertainty, that you will be all right? Poetry has a way of invoking such feelings. These feelings are tapped into with the powerful words that poetry wraps into little packages. They can…

The Healing and Beautiful Poetry in Aesthetics

Every now and then, a writer pops out at me and makes me want to read their work. This is how it was when I first found Xavier Words on Instagram. The poetry is moving and motivational. That was when I found out that Xavier Words published a poetry collection called Thank U, which I…

Free Verse Morsels – I’ve Been Working on My Poetry!

Poetry. It’s been a long time since I’ve talked about my April Camp NaNoWriMo project. Well, guess what?! I’ve been editing it! via GIPHY ^ pretty much my reaction when I started editing. For those interested in my journey and to read other poems, click HERE. It’s the starting point of my poetry project. I was…

Poetry Review: i write no color pictures – vivian blac

Hello my lovely viewers! Today, I’m going to be reviewing i write no color pictures by Vivian Blac. Now please note that this poetry collection is written for a mature audience. Some themes are too explicit for younger readers. But let’s not play around, let’s get to the review. i write no color pictures Author: vivian…

Poetry Review: Scattered Constellations – Ankita Singh

I love supporting other bloggers and Anky is a fellow book blogger over at Anky’s Book Bubble. Go check out her bookish blog! Scattered Constellations is her first poetry collection, and let me tell you it’s good!! This page may contain affiliate links. Click to read full disclaimer. I only promote products I support. Scattered…

Poetry Review: Dear Humanity – Sara Farrukh

Poetry with a strong message is some of my favorite type of poetry. When I was contacted about reading Dear Humanity, I just knew I was going to be reading something great. I wasn’t wrong. Dear Humanity focuses on exactly what the title says: humanity. The hardships and the great joys that bring humanity together….

Poetry Review: The Sugar Mill – Bhav Mangat & Harp Seehra

Life is full steps that need to be taken to reach the sweet ending. That is what The Sugar Mill by Bhav Mangat and Harp Seehra is all about. Steps that you take growing up, to the steps you take in a relationship. These are all things that need to be done in pieces for…