Being a Writer on Etsy – A Discussion

Being a writer means having yourself in many places where people can find you. Finding the place you want to be can be hard, but sticking with it is key. I struggled a long time with how to sell signed copies of my work. The option is obviously not available on a print-on-demand site like…

Should You Use a Pen Name?

Let’s start by getting to know each other a bit more with a discussion post about pen names. A pen name can be used in all sorts of industries and the publishing industry is one of them. So what is a pen name and why use one? Let me explain so we can discuss. What…

Writing Your Passion Project – Discussion

Do you ever start up a writing project that you know would be good for your soul? A project that would provide the best outlet for your emotions? This writing passion project is something that may not be what you’re used to writing. Or maybe it is! But if it’s not, what is stopping you…

Writing and Mental Health during Quarantine

Let’s face it, this past month has been nothing short of a constant dream state. There is no way that this has become our reality. And yet, here we are while most of the world is on lockdown. So let me take a moment and ask, how are you doing? As a writer, you’d think…