Facebook Writing Groups – Join Today!

Facebook is a slow-going social media site that has a lot of people that are willing to help you grow. As an author, writer, creator, anyone you desire to be. There is are Facebook groups for everyone. Just like my discussion on Pinterest Writing Boards last month I will be discussing my favorite Facebook writing…

Pinterest Writing Boards – Be Inspired!

As all writers know, Pinterest is the gold mine for any topic. You can create aesthetics for your book, find a list of adjectives, writing prompts, and so much more. All by filling in the search bar on Pinterest. Pinterest is one of the best search engines out there. Now, I don’t consider Pinterest a…

Tips to Organizing Your Story

I’m a panster when it comes to writing, but I like to stay organized. For those of you that don’t know what that means, a pantser is someone that doesn’t plan out the story before writing. I write and the characters drive what happens. Now, just because I don’t plan out my story beforehand, doesn’t…

Informational Writing Blogs

Finding information on the internet is easy. Put in what you’re looking for and BAM! Answers. However, the reliability of those answers varies with each source. Now, not everyone’s opinions will agree, and that is always something to keep in mind when doing research. There are also many different ways to go about tasks which…

Organize Your Writing Life: Part 1

Organization. A basic topic for us writers. Right? Yes, sometimes a little disorganization keeps the creative juices flowing, however, it can also halt the creative process. And when we really need those juices to get our next big project out there, being organized is key. I love being organized. I mean check out how much…

Name Generators You Need Bookmarked

Today is the first post of a new segment that I will focus on different writing resources. These are all resources that I have used in the past and find very useful when it comes to writing. Everything is based on my own experiences and is my opinion. The topic of today’s post is about…