Meet The Stranger I Knew Audiobook

Audiobooks are growing in popularity and for a good reason. Whether you’re driving to work or staying home because of the pandemic, there are many ways you can listen to an audiobook. From your phone or on any device that has sound, you’re able to continue your daily chores while devouring books. That is why…

Meet the Not Like Everyone Else Audiobook

When everything comes into clarity and you see that you have three options to read a book, doesn’t that excited you? To know that there is another option to read your next favorite book? I know it excites me. Now what book am I talking about exactly?! Well a Not Like Everyone Else audiobook of…

Blast from the Past: Meet Chester Green

I debated for a long time what I wanted today’s morsel to be. I know I wanted to share more of Split Views to show off some more of my awesome characters, but I wasn’t sure who. Then I came across this passage. It’s one of the first times we get to meet Chester. Now, I’m…