Silent Sea Chronicles Release Day

Happy Release Day to the Silent Sea Chronicles Box set by Suzanne Rogerson! It’s with a great honor, that I’m able to share with everyone the completed fantasy box set. Suzanne is a wonderful friend of mine in the blogging community. I love chatting with her and learning from her indie journey. When the opportunity…

A Beginners Guide to Master Self-Publishing

Everyone starts out not knowing what the heck is going on. In every aspect of your life, there is a point where you were learning. When you started schooling, you maybe knew the basics of reading, but could you read an entire chapter book without asking any questions about what the words mean? I don’t…

Fantasy Audiobook Review: Visions of Zarua

It’s no secret that I adore listening to audiobooks. Some of my favorite books I’ve listened to are as audiobooks. Now, I love fantasy books in audiobook format. Why? Because fantasy audiobooks create a perfect imaginary world in my mind that translates well into audio format. I also have a really hard time picking up any…

Stargazing at Noon – Poetry Review

Do you ever wish poetry could take you on an unending journey through the motions of life? That somehow through the waves of uncertainty, that you will be all right? Poetry has a way of invoking such feelings. These feelings are tapped into with the powerful words that poetry wraps into little packages. They can…

The Best Cover Design Elements

As an indie author, you have a vision for you book cover. The way that the cover design fits your book perfectly. The images you want to use. You can see it already sitting amongst all the other pretty books on your shelf. But what makes those other books so good? Well, that’s what this…

Ways to Keep Your Motivation

Let’s face it, motivation is something we all struggle with. Need to write your next chapter? Well don’t worry, the dirt under your living room couch that you haven’t thought about in a year suddenly needs to be cleaned. Maybe it’s the fear of continuing your project. Or maybe you’re stuck in your own plot…

A Stranger Release Day Extravaganza!

This page may contain affiliate links. Click to read full disclaimer. I only promote products I support. Today is finally the release of my second book baby, The Stranger I Knew! This novella has been a journey that I’m glad I decided to take. Without the effort and determination that I put into this project (along…

A Motivational and Inspiring Poetry Collection

Every person goes through stages in their lives. It’s a part of life. And let’s face it, life isn’t easy. That’s where Jennae Cecelia’s poetry collection, Losing Myself Brought Me Here comes in. Because how many of us have been lost at one point or another? I know I have. When I read Jennae Cecelia’s work,…

The Last Stranger Morsel of WIP

This page may contain affiliate links. Click to read full disclaimer. I only promote products I support. In just two weeks (August 12, 2019), my second book baby will be out in the world! The Stranger I Knew is my newest young adult mystery novella. You can read about the journey on The Stranger I…

Top 10 Tips on Self-Publishing

I could talk on and on about needing to write your book and blah blah blah, but we already know the basics. You can’t start a self-publishing journey without a book. It just won’t work out. Which would indeed make these self-publishing tips worthless. Now, let’s pretend you’ve already written your book and are readying…