Editing Services Explained

You’re ready to start the editing process for your book, but have no idea where to start. You look into different editors and they all have different services to offer. I’m here to break it down for you so you can figure out the editing services you will need through the various editing stages. Whether…

Create an Editing Plan that Works

Everyone’s least favorite thing in the writing world is editing. It’s a love/hate relationship we have with the most necessary part of the writing process. The worst part? There are SO many editing steps! Sometimes going through 8+ rounds of edits before being satisfied with the finished product. It’s difficult, yes, but I’ve created an…

Creating Scrivener Templates

Finding the perfect format that fits your writing needs is different for every person. No two people are the same, but the templates we’re given are one size fits all. Well, let me tell you, it wasn’t working for me. So when I came across a way to craft my on Scrivener templates, I knew…

The Pros and Cons of Scrivener

Finding the perfect medium to write your story is crucial to any author. You want your story to be easy to find, the information easy to follow, and above all, as minimal clutter as possible. Because let’s face it, your workspace is a mess when you’re writing. For the longest time, I rotated between Microsoft…

Organize Your Writing Life: Part 2

Time to get organized! As writers and creatives, there is a lot going on in our lives that always takes precedence over letting our creative juices out. Then when we go to sit down, everything is halted. The desk is messy. The dog threw up. Everything pulling you away from your one passion. Being creative. In…

Blast from the Past: Meet Chester Green

I debated for a long time what I wanted today’s morsel to be. I know I wanted to share more of Split Views to show off some more of my awesome characters, but I wasn’t sure who. Then I came across this passage. It’s one of the first times we get to meet Chester. Now, I’m…

Facebook Writing Groups – Join Today!

Facebook is a slow-going social media site that has a lot of people that are willing to help you grow. As an author, writer, creator, anyone you desire to be. There is are Facebook groups for everyone. Just like my discussion on Pinterest Writing Boards last month I will be discussing my favorite Facebook writing…

Informational Writing Blogs

Finding information on the internet is easy. Put in what you’re looking for and BAM! Answers. However, the reliability of those answers varies with each source. Now, not everyone’s opinions will agree, and that is always something to keep in mind when doing research. There are also many different ways to go about tasks which…

Organize Your Writing Life: Part 1

Organization. A basic topic for us writers. Right? Yes, sometimes a little disorganization keeps the creative juices flowing, however, it can also halt the creative process. And when we really need those juices to get our next big project out there, being organized is key. I love being organized. I mean check out how much…

A Morsel of WIP: Mom Talks

It’s been a long time since I’ve shared a snippet of my work with everyone. As I mentioned in last week’s post Making Lemonade with Lemons: Editing Catch-Up, I want to start sharing some of my own work in my current WIPs. Now here’s an excerpt from Not Like Everyone Else (subject to change through…